From Ljubljana To Inverness In Three Days!

By Tim Corfield


You may spot the connection if you follow football. Slovenia v England and Inverness v Rangers.

A game with my eldest son, James in Ljubljana, followed by a game in the Highlands with my youngest son, Matt. Cold and colder. An awful match followed by an exciting SPL game. No Slovenia pies and two Scotch pies.

“You must be mad!” I hear you think. And you’re right, of course. I guess it’s the passion of following football that does it and sharing that passion with my family. I’m too old to change now – I wish I could after the match in Slovenia!

But, it’s the same passion I have about our business and looking after our clients – which is good news for our clients! I only want the best solutions and I’m not prepared to settle for anything less!

I was happy taking calls in Slovenia, dealing with problems and setting up meetings. I’m always available to discuss any issues you have with clients (including weekends and evenings).

Please make a note of my mobile number – 077869 65009. Call anytime – I’m always pleased to help! And, if I’m not immediately available, there’s Janet, Richard, Emma or Cheryl or any other member of my team that would be only too pleased to help.

Griffin and King – Insolvency Practitioners in Redditch, and also other offices throughout the UK.