Tim Corfield is running the London Marathon on 28th April 2019!

Tim is running the London Marathon on 28th April 2019. It will be his retirement Marathon…..probably! (Well no surprise given age!! Don’t share this with Tim)

It’s the best Marathon in the world – so what a way for him to finish!

Tim is running for a great cause – Lepra, a charity set up to beat the terrible disease of leprosy. Worldwide leprosy is still, unbelievably, a huge problem. TODAY, 600 people will be diagnosed with leprosy and more than 50 of these will be children. Those adults and children lives will be in ruins how very sad in 2019 ?.

Please help and give generously – Virgin MoneyGiving link

I am sure we all wish him the very best of luck on the day. Photos to appear in the next Griffin & King newsletter.