October Welcome 2011

Welcome to our monthly ebulletin.

The Summer is over. Let’s not pretend it’s easy running a business in this economic climate.  Is this the time to be cutting back on your advertising and marketing budget? NO! – but be focused.

Autumn is here – take a lesson from nature.

    • Plan your target area
    • Cultivate
    • Sow

Business growth does not just happen. If you want new shoots/leads in the spring take action now and go planting.

Good luck!

Business owners should always also take time out from working in the business to work on it.

Whatever area in your business you are struggling with, always seek help from a professional be it an Accountant, Solicitor or Tax Adviser.  Do not wait until it is too late.

If you know anyone in business that have difficulties looming on the horizon, call us. We do not charge for listening.

With over 30 years’ experience we have helped business and individuals find solutions to their financial problems.

But, do not take our word for it! Visit www.griffinandking.co.uk/testimonials and see what our Clients have to say.

Latest G&K Seminar

”A Week in the Life of Tim Corfield”

Tuesday 8th November 2011

12.30 – 2.30 The Village Hotel, Walsall

Please book your place here.