February Welcome 2012

Further to our January bulletin, we are all energised for the year ahead.

The world is changing at such a fast pace so to stay in business you, me, we all need to adapt to change faster than ever before.

2012 The only way is up!!!!! Click here..

You are all busy people so short sharp tips again this month.

    • Alignment of  your team. We can learn so much from Sport be it Football, Rugby, Cricket – for this illustration I am using rowing. You will have all seen this in the news recently with the injured soldiers rowing across the Atlantic. (fantastic achievement by all those involved). It is all about team effort, is your team all rowing together and towards the same goal?
    • Make a short list of what marketing worked in 2011 and what did not and take a short time to analyse what did not, it may have been timing, wrong target market, or marketing effort.
    • Create a Marketing Plan, it does not have to be a mammoth task, list where you are now and where you want to be. Calculate how many customers you will need to reach your target. Then set goals to achieve this for 2012, 2013, 2014. Decide what Marketing Strategies you are going to use to achieve these, ie more public speaking, email marketing etc.
    • Look for External Partners or Business Advocates, Joint Ventures, develop a support network of people, whom you support and they support you.
    • Focus on helping others not selling to others.
    • Update your Website; ensure your website is there for your clients to connect with you, not just an online brochure about you and your brand.
    • Take time to work on the Business, not in the Business.
    • Stop trying to do everything yourself, use the strengths in your team. If you row better than cox, then become a rower, always play to your strengths.