Meet the Team

Managing Director

Tim Corfield

Having obtained a degree in Law, he qualified as a Chartered Accountant with one of the leading national firms before joining Griffin & King in 1985. Tim became a partner in 1988 and specialised in advising new start-ups as well as advising established client companies.

Tim’s background has meant that he has been at the sharp end of dealing with his clients’ problems – constantly monitoring and advising through the good times and the bad. He is well aware the difficulties in which a business can find themselves. This background has given him a thorough insight into the highs and lows of running a business. Understanding the importance of these skills, Tim has built up a team at Griffin & King who provide unique skills to help and turn around struggling business.

The Team

James Corfield
Senior Case Manager

James Corfield

Emma Wallis
Insolvency Compliance Manager

Emma Wallis

Mark Shaw
Senior Corporate Manager

Mark Shaw

Janet Peacock
Senior Business Relationship Manager

Janet Peacock

Carrie Withers
Case Manager

Carrie Withers