Debt Relief Order Process
An application for a Debt Relief Order is made on-line to the Official Receiver.
You will have less than £75.00 to spend each month, after paying tax, national insurance and normal household expenses.
Your debts will need to be £30,000 or less.
To qualify you will have to have lived or worked in England or Wales in the last 3 years. In addition you have not had a DRO in the last 6 years.
Non Eligible if you are involved in bankruptcy proceeding or any other formal insolvency procedure.
However, if one of your creditors has asked the court to make you bankrupt, you may as the creditor for permission to apply for a DRO instead.
The debts included in the Debt Relief Order will usually be written off after one year.
Griffin & King does not deal directly with this procedure, but if we think this is the right direction for you to take, we will put you in touch with the appropriate organisation to help you. Please contact us for details.